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About the Journal

The Journal of Jewish Early Childhood Education (Online ISSN: 2997-8408) attends to the unique features of early childhood education in Jewish contexts. The aim of this journal is to advance research, scholarship, and practice that informs and elevates the field of Jewish early childhood education. The Journal of Jewish Early Childhood Education examines key areas and issues in Jewish early childhood education including holistic interdisciplinary curriculum and pedagogies, multi-model and experiential learning, psychosocial, behavioral and cultural tensions, family engagement, teacher and leader development, legislative policies and organizational structures, and issues relating to Jewish spiritual growth and practice. The journal is currently soliciting high quality peer reviewed qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method empirical research studies, as well as policy papers, narrative contributions, curriculum design, and review of resources.  

For writing and editorial style, authors must follow guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020).